Take Your Grades to New Heights With Strong Students Tutoring

Tutoring Can Be the Difference

Let’s face it, modern education is challenging and competitive.

The best colleges, universities and job roles demand elite students who’ve achieved top grades. 

Now, for some students — you know, the super independent, genetically gifted masterminds — this is a breeze.

But what if you’re a student who needs extra support? What if you desire a helping hand to turn the spark you possess into a roaring fire?

That’s where a tutor comes in.

You see, a tutor can give a student major advantages. For instance, a tutor can provide…

Structured and Professional Lessons.

Tailored Feedback, Resources and Recommendations.

Proven Exam Techniques and Subject-Specific Knowledge.

But, Not All Tutors Are Made Equal...

As helpful as a tutor can be, they can be equally unhelpful (yet still take your hard-earned money).

For starters, how many tutoring sites out there hook you up with tutors who’ve had less than 10 hours of experience, yet charge you £20 per hour!

Moreover, pretty much every tutoring service out there fails to provide a structured, personalised curriculum that their students can follow at their own pace to guarantee success. You’re left guessing every week about where you’re heading next.

Even more frustratingly, most tutoring ends after the lesson. There’s no tutor-student contact out of tutoring hours — no feedback, no accountability and no opportunity for students to ask questions throughout the week.

That's Where We Come In

Just because tutoring can be hit or miss, however, doesn’t mean it needs to be.

See, when you work with a Strong Students tutor, there’s no need to fear.

With us, you get an all-in-one, grade-boosting solution.

Lessons from Subject Masters

All our tutors graduated with the top grades in the subjects they teach. With us, you're receiving lessons from tutors with hundreds of hours of experience, and who received grade 9s, A*s and first-class degrees.

Tailored Learning Resources

Some tutors teach with the stuff they use for their everyday school students. Instead, we design customised lesson and revision resources for each pupil to cater to their needs.

Weekly Check-Ins

You're never left to struggle in silence with a Strong Students tutor. Students receive weekly check-ups and can directly message their tutor with questions 24/7.

Structured Tutoring Programmes

We don't do lessons sporadically. Instead, every student that works with us long term gets put on a structured lesson plan that guides them to success at their own pace.

Weekly Revision Challenges

Repetition breeds mastery. That's why students who work with a Strong Students tutor are set a short, engaging revision challenge each week to cement their knowledge gains.

Interactive Learning Environment

Our tutors don't lecture you with PowerPoints for an hour. Students have complex concepts illustrated to them visually and, every lesson, get to practice their newly acquired skills.

Don't Just Take Our Word for It

Our tutoring consistently delivers results.

The strategies we employ are based on sound research and real-life results and interactions.

Moreover, we’re a brand built on trusting, strong relationships between tutors, students and parents, so you don’t need to fear about being left in the dark at any point.

But, we don’t expect you to just believe us; check out what others have said below!

Book in With Us and Unlock Your True Student Potential (for Free)

Most tutoring services make you do all the work. You have to call for availability or send countless emails to a sales team, which can be a real drag.

Plus, more often than not, you have to pay for a first lesson — despite not even knowing if the tutor will be a good fit for you or your child.

Here at Strong Students, however, we value two things: trust and your time. 

That’s why all our first lessons are completely free, and our booking system is streamlined and efficient.

Pick a subject and a tutor, choose a time and date, tell us a bit about yourself, and bam — you’re booked in for a totally free first lesson!

Make sure you’re fast, though, as spaces for 1-to-1 are very limited.

Don't Know if We're For You Yet?

Although our first lessons are free, we understand that it can still be hard to take the plunge and go for that first lesson. In fact, we encourage scepticism, as tutors will quickly take your money before proving that they’re a long-term solution to your needs.

So, that’s why we offer free consultations with parents, students or both.

Email the tutor you’re contemplating working with by contacting them via their email address below. They’ll get back to you within 24 hours with answers to any questions you have, as well as a phone for a free consultation (if you desire it). 

Please don’t hesitate. We’re here to get you or your child the grades they need.

GCSE Maths

GCSE English

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